Saturday, September 15, 2007

Digital Discussion: Take Your Class to the Internet

Here is another great article on taking blogging to the classroom:
Here are some of the things you can do with a blog in your classroom:
  1. Classroom management - Teachers can use blogs to help with classroom management to have a place to post assignments, rules, etc.
  2. Learning journal - Don't we all want students to write more? Use the media they like--online communication.
  3. Online notebook - Keep your students from losing their assignments by using a blog. They can post it there and never lose it.
  4. Class discussion - By having students discuss online, students aren't intimitated by those in class who tend to "hog" the discussion by always having a comment to make.
  5. Personal expression - Students have the freedom to create using a blog. It is a great place for their creative freedom.

One of the problems to work out ahead of time is the grading issue--isn't that the issue with most anything teachers do in class?

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